Thursday, August 23, 2012

Magic Hour 1.2

Hello fellow Magic Hour lovers. We've seen some of the wonderful photographs you've taken and hope we helped in some small way. Our stats show large groups of you in Thailand and the Netherlands but we now have users in pretty much every part of the world. Tragically, this will be our last version that is compatible with pre-iOS 5.0 devices, but we're looking forward to the new features that will be available to us. 

What's New for Version 1.2

- International Date - 24 Hour Clock: All times and dates are now displayed by local preference. Those of you in the Netherlands, Japan, Denmark, and all other 24-hour-clock regions will see 20:21 instead of 8:21 PM. Just as you like it. The whole app isn't translated, but the times now are.

- Update button: It was not obvious before, but, previously, if you pressed date or location, a location update would happen right away. Now, you have a button that says: Update.

- Computation redesign: Not terribly important to you, but there were some edge cases where if your time zone was not the same as where you actually were, weird behavior would occur. The problem was fundamental so we went back and fixed it at its core. 

Known issues

- For some reason when you start the app, the first update to your location name doesn't seem to come back to us. Usually the second update straightens that all out, which you can force with the previously mentioned Update button. We're looking into it.

- Magic Hour works on the Gregorian calendar. Buddhist and Japanese calendars showed varied results and move the times off. Also something we're investigating.

Problems?  Tweet us @magichourapp or post here.  Thanks!


  1. Hi, with the clocks in the UK now having gone back to GMT, does the app not take this into account? I have just been notified that magic hour is coming at 18.15 in the pitch dark! Please explain.

  2. i'm so sorry that happened to you! Time changes are hard enough without Magic Hour behaving badly as well. Our apologies. Run Magic Hour and your alerts will be updated to your new, changed time.

    We are looking into a better way to handle this situation. Thank you Marc S. for posting!

  3. Hi. I have downloaded this app in my I Pad mini yesterday but my location is not been update. Is this app is limited geographically? ? Your answer would b appreciated. Thank u
